Monday, 19 November 2012

Build up your library strengths

We will be running the following drop-in sessions in the Library training room (the North Area) giving advice and tips on using referencing software, locating articles for your subject and using online maps:

RefWorks - Monday 26th Nov 12-1pm

Finding articles Monday 26th Nov 2-3pm

RefWorks – Thursday 29th Nov 12-1pm

Finding articles Thursday 29th Nov 2-3pm

Mapping tools – Monday 3rd Dec 12-1pm

Mapping tools – Thursday 6th Dec 12-1pm

To book in advance you can either sign up using the sign-up sheets held at the library counter or online here

Feel free to drop-in too if you haven't got around to booking.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

£100 Amazon vouchers could be yours...

Photo credit Digital design: Light painting by vancouverfilmschool

The University is undertaking some work to explore digital literacy skills and employability and we need your views. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and have the chance to be entered into a prize draw for £100 Amazon vouchers.

Go to the survey