Thursday, 24 February 2011

Downloading & converting maps

Following on from some library sessions yesterday regarding converting maps in Digimap to alternative formats such as DWG or DXF files and particularly for Mac users, the following information may provide some assistance:
Converting OS mastermap to CAD format for use in AutoCAD or other design applications
Interspose software

Also for Mac users the latest version of AutoCAD Map3D will read GML files directly which you can then convert to other formats. Get a free copy of AutoCAD by visiting this AutoCAD site, just register with a valid email and download what you want.

For data outside of the UK you may be able to go to each of the countries and check whether they have similar mapping organisations like OS in GB that are making their products freely available for everyone to reuse under the governments open data agenda , you could also try the following:
Accessing data outside UK (free spatial data and imagery can be accessed through registration)
GoGeo international (map & spatial data beyond UK)

Monday, 21 February 2011

Updates to Historic Digimap

I have recieved notification that on the evening of the 1st March there will be updates to historical maps in Digimap, the changes will only affect the Scottish county series maps and tis will mean that some maps will appear to move decade.

Any changes should result in an improvement to the accuracy of the dates of the maps affected, more informationabout the changes and implications can be accessed on the Digimap site